Dictionary: Norwegian - English



Account of working hours Oversikt over arbeidstiden/arbeidsregnskap
Administrative provisions/regulations Administrattive bestemmelser /retningslinjer
Anti-Discrimination Tribunal Diskrimineringsnemda
Arbitrary Vilkårlig
Break Pause
Burden of proof Bevisbyrde
Business travel Tjenestereise
Calculating average normal working hours
Gjennomsnittsberegning av alminnelig arbeidstid
Collective agreement Tariffavtale
Collective redundancy Masseoppsigelse
Commencement Tiltredelse
Company Selskap
Compassionate leave Velferdspermisjon
Compensation, indemnity Erstatning
Confidential information Fortrolige opplysninger (§ 8)
Contract of employment / employment contract Arbeidsavtale
Curtailment of operation Driftsinnskrenkning
Discussion meeting Drøftingsmøte
Dismissal (with notice) Oppsigelse
Dispute resolution board Tvisteløsningsnemnda
Duty of confidentiality Taushetsplikt
Duty of secrecy (sterkere enn duty of confidentiality) Taushetsplikt (§8-3)
Early negotiated pension AFP
Educational leave Utdanningspermisjon
Employee Arbeidstaker
Employee posted abroad Utenlandsstasjonert arbeidstaker
Employer Arbeidsgiver
Employment Ansettelse
Employment protection Stillingsvern
Employment relationship Arbeidsforhold
Equal pay Like lønn
Equal treatment / non-discrimination Likebehandling
Factual requirements Saklighetskravet
Fixing holiday dates Feriefastsetting
Formal requirements Formkrav
Hiring of workers Innleie
Holiday pay, holiday allowance Feriepenger
Holiday pay/allowance Feriepenger
Holidays Ferie
Holidays Act Ferieloven
Indispensability Ufravikelighet
Information and consultation (kap 8) Informasjon og drøfting
Invalid, void Ugyldig oppsigelse
Joint and several liability Solidaransvar
Labour disputes Tarifftvist
Labour inspection authority Arbeidstilsynet
Leave of absence Permisjon
Leave of absence (to care for child) Omsorgspermisjon (2 uker for far)
Legal deadline Søksmålfrist
Local (entreprise-specific) NITO group Bedriftsgruppe
Local negotiations Lokale forhandlinger
Local special agreement Lokal særavtale
Made redundant Bli nedbemannet
Mandatory Preseptorisk
Mandatory law/regulation Ufravikelig lov/regel
Maternity leave Fødselspermisjon (6 uker)
Minimum requirements Minimumskrav
Negotiation meeting Forhandlingsmøte
Night work / working at night Nattarbeid
Non solicitation of customers clause Kundeklausul
Non-compete clause Konkurranseklausul
Non-solicitation for employees clause / Non-recruitment clause Rekrutteringsklausul
Normal working hours Alminnelig arbeidstid (§10-4)
Objectively justified Saklig (begrunnet)
Occupational health services Bedriftshelsetjeneste
Off-duty time Arbeidsfri
Overtime Overtid
Parental leave Foreldrepermisjon
Part time employment Deltidsansettelse
Partial leave of absence Delvis permisjon
Period of notice Oppsigelsesfrist
Permanent appointment /fixed duration Fast ansettelse
Place of work Arbeidsplass
Posted employee Utsendt
Preferential right /priority Fortrinnsrett
Qualifying year Opptjeningsår (ferie)
Remuneration Godtgjørelse
Restructuring, reorganisation Omorganisering
Retaliation Gjengjeldelse
Right to remain in the position Rett til å fortsette i stilling
Rota Turnus
Safety representatives Verneombud
Salary Lønn
Salary assessment Lønnsvurdering
Salary dispute Lønnstvist
Salary regulation Lønnsregulering
Severance pay Sluttvederlag
Shift work Skift
Shop steward (lokal tillitsvalgt), elected representatives, union representative
Staff rules, company regulations, company rules, staff regulations Arbeidsreglement
Stand by duty Beredskapsvakt
Starting date Tiltredelsesdato
Subpoena Stevning
Summary dismissal Avskjed
Suspension Suspensjon
Temporary-work agency Bemanningsbyrå
Temporary-work agency Vikarbyrå
Time in lieu Avspasering
Time off for nursing mothers Ammefri
Transfer of undertakings Virksomhetsoverdragelse
Trial period, probation period Prøvetid
Undertaking Virksomhet
Unfair dismissal Usaklig oppsigelse
Vacant post /position Ledig stilling
Whistle blowing / Right to notify sensurable conditions Varsling
Work schedule Arbeidsplan
Workforce reductions, downsizing Nedbemanning
Working environment Act Arbeidsmiljøloven
Working environment commitees Arbeidsmiljøutvalg
Working hour arrangements Arbeidstidsordninger
Working hours Arbeidstid
Working hours provisions Arbeidstidsbestemmelser
Working/work environment Arbeidsmiljø
Written reference Attest