fordeler med norsk modell 2.jpgThe Norwegian model emphasizes social dialogue, collective bargaining, and a high degree of employee involvement in decision-making processes.

Overall, the Norwegian model promotes a productive, harmonious and sustainable working environment, benefiting both employers and employees. 

Characteristics of the Norwegian Model:

  1. Collective Bargaining: Most workplaces are unionized, and collective agreements are common. These agreements are negotiated between employers' associations and trade unions, setting standards for working conditions, and other employment terms.
  2. Employee Representation: Employees have significant representation through works councils and health and safety committees. They can influence decisions regarding workplace policies, work environment, and organizational changes. 

  3. Co-Determination: Employees have the right to participate in decision-making processes, especially in larger companies. This includes representation on the board of directors, where employee-elected representatives contribute to strategic decisions. 

Benefits of Employee Involvement

  • Improved Job Satisfaction: When employees have a say in decisions that affect their work, they tend to be more satisfied and motivated. 
  • Better Decision-Making: Employees bring valuable insights and perspectives that can lead to more informed and effective decisions. 
  • Increased Productivity: A collaborative environment fosters innovation and efficiency, as employees feel valued and committed to the company's success. 
  • Reduced Conflict: Regular communication and cooperation between employers and employees help prevent misunderstandings and resolve issues amicably. 
  • Easier Recruitment: Companies that cooperate with unions appear to be more attractive to qualified and dedicated job seekers, which can ease the recruitment process and reduce turnover. 
  • Improved Reputation: By supporting unionization, the company demonstrates social responsibility which might improve its reputation both nationally and internationally. This can be advantageous for marketing and customer loyalty and ease their relationship with Norwegian politicians.  


How is your salary negotiated?

How is working life in Norway organized?