This will give you a united and stronger voice in dialog with corporate management, and experience shows that it gives you far more impact than what you have as single members.
Why establish a company group?
It is a fact that companies increasingly carry out reorganizations and reductions of staff/redundancies. In such processeses, it is particularly important to have a union representative who can safeguard the interests of both individual members and the group as a whole.
NITO will ensure that the NITO representatives are given training and good tools to represent NITO’s members in the best possible way.
Establishing a company group
Get greater impact - establish a company group at the workplace.
Prior to the establishment of a group, we recommend inviting all members and potential members to a meeting to inform about NITO’s member benefits and about the benefits of creating a company group. To arrange this meeting, you can get assistance from NITO's local branch.
They will also help invoke and attend a founding meeting to establish the group.
At the founding meeting, an Interim Board of 2 to 3 people is chosen. The number will depend on the size of the group (number of members). The Interim Board will be in function until the first ordinary annual meeting.
The collective agreement (overenskomsten) must be made applicable
It is the agreement which primarily gives NITO's company group collective rights in relation to the employer. By collective rights we understand that the corporate group's elected representatives (NITO representatives in the company) can act on behalf of all members. Hence, it is of great importance that the relevant agreement is applied as quickly as possible.
When the employer is a member of an employers' organization whom NITO has an agreement with, NITO’s secretariat will make sure that the relevant agreement is made applicable to NITO members in the company.
If the company is not a member of an employer's organization, a so-called "direct agreement" between the individual company and NITO can be made. In these cases, NITO's company group will be sent a standard agreement, which will then, in consultation with NITO, be adapted to the needs of the individual company.
In the public sector the collective agreements is already made applicable for all members.
Notification that company group is established
As soon as possible after the establishment of a company group, a notification shall be sent to NITO’s Secretariat with a copy to the local branch. The notification gives information about the group and who is elected as NITO representatives. In addition, the employer must be informed.
Annual meeting - election of board
The company group shall hold an annual meeting before the local branch’s annual meeting. The notice must reach all members with at least 14 days notice.
The agenda of the meeting must contain at least:
- Board’s report
- Processing of items for the local branch's annual meeting
- Company group representation at the branch's annual meeting
- Accounting
- Items received
- Elections
The number of members in the board must be adjusted to the number of members in the company group and will usually consist of a chair and one or more board members. The duration of all posts in the company group’s board should be 2 years. All elections and polls are settled by simple majority.
In large companies with scattered locations it may be expedient to establish local groups with a central board where the different groups are represented.
Board tasks
- Work to ensure that all employees in the company who fulfil NITO's requirements for admission, become members of NITO.
- Work for good working conditions and competitive salary for each member . The individual's salary is nevertheless the responsibility of the individual.
- Seek, in cooperation with the company, that each member develops a high academic level and develop his/her competence in line with the company's future needs and the member’s own interests.
- Collaborate with management on corporate organizational development, technological development, competence development and corporate internal relations in general.
- Aim at the objective of NITO members being represented in all relevant company's governing and advisory bodies.
- Participate in NITO's basic training for NITO representatives, and at other NITO events for company groups.
- Submit the annual report and notice of change of trustees to NITO.
The company group can apply for support for events through its local branch. Guidelines for granting support to company groups (in Norwegian): Retningslinjer for tildeling av støtte til bedriftsgruppe.
The company group has the opportunity to adopt additional fee within the group (max 10 % of NITO’s membership fee). NITO may assist in collecting the fee. NITO's company groups are responsible for their own finances.
Usually the employer pays travel expenses related to union tasks in the company, but if the company opposes this, the local office can be requested for assistance.
If the company group wants training that is not covered by NITO's own course, funding can be requested from NITO.
NITO’s law etc.
The company groups (Bedriftsgruppene) are governed by NITO's bylaws (lov for NITO) and other guidelines and rules laid down by NITO.
NITO's elected representatives are offered a series of courses that provide systematic training of those who take on to be union representatives. Basic education is considered mandatory. This will add competence in labor law and agreements and negotiation techniques.
Our experience is that many union representatives feel that the union experience and our training program have contributed positively in their career.